The Next Generation Comprehensive Orthodontics Series
Provide Quality, Predictable Orthodontics
The McGann Postraduate School of Dentistry has strategically partnered with Progressive Orthodontic Seminars to offer a very practical 2-Year Comprehensive Orthodontics Level I Program. Progressive’s system is tried and proven with over 41 years of experience in 40 worldwide locations. Progressive’s program is designed as a full system with support for everything you need to successfully provide orthodontics in your practice predictably and efficiently. With the best support in the industry, not only would you have full orthodontic training, but also computer, software, supply, and clinical support. This support is available as a student and as a graduate for the rest of your career.
This Comprehensive Orthodontic Series was created to fit the needs and schedule of practicing dentists. Students are encouraged to start treating patients early in the program through hands-on exercises, didactic instruction, and full support. The series is offered in 2 different formats to best fit your learning preferences and schedule. You may choose between a Traditional Live Series (with 10 seminars) or an Internet Assisted Training Series (with 300 hours of multimedia online study and 3 live modules). Both formats are covered by Progressive’s Lifetime Free Retake Policy.Comprehensive
This program is designed for you to be able to manage and treat 90% of the orthodontic cases that walk into your practice. If you want to continue your orthodontic education after this series to learn the other 10%, you can join in Progressive’s Dentofacial Orthodontics Series and/or the Level II: MSc in Specialized Orthodontics Program. This 2-Year Orthodontic Series is recognized by the International Medical College Joint Degree University Program. Doctors who graduate from Progressive have the opportunity to also achieve a Master of Science in Specialized Orthodontics if they choose to continue.New Curriculum, New Cases, & More!
Our flagship all-inclusive learning experience now features brackets & aligners throughout, plus our new ortho simulation app, and DentalMonitoring. We invite you to come back and take any of our new seminars tuition-free thanks to our Lifetime Free Retake benefit.
To learn more about the Comprehensive Orthodontic Program, visit Progressive Orthodontics’ website.
Our All-New Curriculum
Seminar #1: Implementing Digital Orthodontics, Case Selection, Basics of Diagnosis, Treating with Aligners vs Brackets
- Benefits of ortho to patients and practice
- Implementing ortho in your practice: what is needed to start a case, role of team members, 1st & 2nd consult
- Basics of creating, diagnosis, and analyzing ortho simulations in the Medit Progressive App
- Basics of skeletal and dental relationships (AP and vertical)
- Understand profile and face types and how they affect treatment decisions
- Intro to ortho mechanics and molar movements – molar based simulations
- Aligners vs. brackets: different tools in your toolbox
- Case Selection – Identifying uncomplicated cases
Seminar #2: Understanding the Fixed IP Appliance System and Aligner Features (Hands-On)
- Understanding the Progressive system for brackets & aligners, including the strengths and weaknesses of each appliance
- Learn how to properly bond brackets, size and cement bands, tie-in an archwire and
- How to complete the initial alignment phase with brackets, what to do at each visit
- Understand alignment aids to make treatment more efficient (coils and chain, etc.)
- Understand purpose of aligner attachments and aligner features
- Basics of aligner workflow and what to do at each visit
Hands-on: bonding brackets and aligner attachments, bands, tie in techniques, chain and coils
Seminar #3: Diagnosing and Treating Non-Extraction Cases – Sagittal Plane (AP)
- Doing a complete workup in SmileStream, including ceph tracing, model measuring, VTO and RBT
- Analyzing AP in class II cases: aligners and bracket mechanics
- Sequential distalization with aligners vs. brackets
- Skeletal considerations and dental compensation in Class II cases
- Analyzing AP in class III cases – aligner and bracket mechanics
- Skeletal considerations, dental compensation and masking in class III
- Growing vs. non-growing diagnosis and treatment class II and class III cases (DHG)
- Phase 1, mixed dentition planning for class II and class III cases
- Evaluating Progressive Aligner 3D setups, communicating with aligner designer
Seminar #4: Diagnosing & Treating Non-Extraction Cases – Vertical & Transverse Plane
- Managing the vertical in open and deep bite cases – brackets vs. aligners
- Incisor display, “gummy smile”, & skeletal considerations
- Treatment protocols for dealing with the bite in brackets & aligners
- Managing the bite in mixed dentition cases
- Dealing with the transverse plane – crossbite – brackets vs. aligners
- Skeletal vs. dental crossbites, telescopic crossbites,
- Expansion limits and when NOT to expand (maintain archform)
- Anterior vs. posterior crossbites
- Growing vs. non-growing options in the transverse
- Bonded RPE vs. other appliances for expansion
Seminar #5: Diagnosing and Treating Bicuspid Extraction Cases, Anchorage Planning, Spacing Cases
- Diagnosing bicuspid extraction cases, when to extract, including airway considerations
- Class I, class II and class III extraction plans
- Anchorage planning – maximum, moderate, minimum
- Skeletal considerations in extraction planning, including vertical, sagittal, transverse, maxillary sinus, skeletal resistance
- Mixed dentition, phase 1, phase 2 extraction vs. non-extraction planning
- Brackets vs. aligner and extractions – strengths and weaknesses
- Spacing cases – aligners and brackets
Seminar #6: Mixed Dentition
- Interceptive Ortho/ Dentofacial orthopedics – When, why, how?
- Phase 1 goals and objectives – dental vs. skeletal corrections
- Mixed dentition diagnosis and treatment planning, including appliance options, dealing with crowding & spacing
- Congenitally missing teeth, impactions, extractions
- Aligners vs. brackets in phase 1 treatment, myofunctional & functional appliances
- Managing habits – thumb, lip, tongue – when and how to treat
- Growth – CVG Stage and DHG considerations (SmileStream and Medit App)
- Hands-On: TPA, headgear, utility arch, Z-bend
Seminar #7: Pre-restorative Ortho, Mult-disciplinary Dentistry (Endo, Perio, Restorative)
- Using the Medit Progressive App for pre-restorative ortho planning
- Closing spaces vs. creating and managing space for restorations
- Planning around existing implants and bridges
- Molar up righting, temporary restorations during ortho, implant site development, vertical considerations
- Periodontics protocols in orthodontics: when and who to treat
- Endodontics and ortho, dealing with endodontically treated teeth, occlusal adjustment for functional harmony, root resorption
- Diagnose and manage TMD patients during ortho treatment – aligners vs. brackets
Seminar #8: Managing Complicated and Unusual Conditions: Unconventional Extractions,
Asymmetry and Functional Shift, Gummy Smile, Skeletal Anchorage
- Skeletal vs. dental asymmetry vs. functional shift: how to diagnose and treat
- Asymmetrical extractions vs. asymmetrical IPR, asymmetrical mechanics
- Intro to skeletal anchorage : TADs vs bone plate, reasons for use
- Unconventional extractions: indications and treatment planning
- Impacted tooth retrievals, up-righting tipped molars
Seminar #9: Putting It All Together: Patient Management, Efficiency and Productivity
- How to create the complete orthodontic diagnosis and treatment plan
- Make ortho a profitable business – Managing the practice and patients for efficiency and profitability
- Dental Monitoring – How and when it fits in the GP practice for profitability and patient management
- Training the staff to limit doctor time, Managing emergencies and unscheduled appliance repairs
- Hybrid cases – the key to efficient ortho, when to use, how to manage
- How to finish cases effectively on non-compliant patients, transfer cases
Seminar #10: Finishing and Retention
- Managing common problems in brackets and aligners, tips and best practices
- Finishing a bracket case – including finishing bends, repositioning brackets, aligning 7s, arch coordination, and progressive deband
- Finishing an aligner case – including refinement setups, residual space closure, black triangles, and posterior open bite
- Retention: indications for different appliances, protocols, occlusal adjustments, & relapse
Seminar #1 Dates & Locations
Toronto, Canada | February 27 – March 2, 2025
Orange County, CA | May 15-18, 2025
Atlanta, GA | June 12-15, 2025
New York, NY (Hybrid) | June 5-7, 2025
Chicago, IL | June 26-29, 2025
Austin, TX (Hybrid) | Sept. 19-21, 2025
Sacramento, CA (Hybrid) | November 7-9, 2025

Miles McGann, CEO
My dad and I are personally excited about this new offering. It is a completely optional program and not for everyone. If you see value in this degree in your part of the world, then I think it is a fantastic opportunity.